Tuesday 3 March 2009

Lidl Love

For BC1005 one of our assignments is to create a short video 3-8 minutes long on whatever we may please. After researching a little on documentaries last week as I said in my previous blog I found this lovely little documentary on Mary and Reg. It immediately reminded me of my nan and grandad and inspired me to create a short documentary on them and their love of Lidl.

Having been through a few recessions they know first hand what it's like to ration and watch the pennies, therefore when Lidl's first started popping up all over the west country they were first in there to pick up their value for money fruit and veg. They also enjoyed the weekly changing display of random goods Lidl provided, such as ski wear, a surf board, nails or even loafers. Now some of these things you may be thinking are perfectly normal to have in a supermarket, but would you really expect to see surf boards down the same aisle as your fruit and veg?

However saying that, Lidl's care free, I'll put my stock anywhere thing I think I like, and Marlene and Don certainly do. Therefore I'd like to do a short doc on them and their weekly shop in Lidl. In contrast to that I would like to take them to Waitrose, and let them tally up their weekly shop there just to see the appauled reaction! They also have some very stern views on youngsters spending habits ( mine especially ) so maybe documenting this would also be interesting; the different attitudes towards managing money in the past and today. And remember, spend a little, save a little!

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