Wednesday 18 March 2009

Green Gage Entertainment

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes

Rich, Hannah, Sean

Contributors found:

Danny Lake – X Leader of the Youth BNP. Student at Bath Uni.
Email sent: failed – search phonebook.

Nicholas Coombes – Local lib dem
Emailed. He suggested Don Foster – Local Bath MP.

Don Foster: Arranged interview for 07/04/09 3.30 at his office. Need questions.

BNP – emailed

Find a sociologist lecturer in the University for our Expert Interview. Go to reception and ask where they teach and contact details.

- Professor Rob Mears Head of School Sociology
- Dr Alan Buckingham Sociology
- Dr Andy Smart Sociology
- Ms Rosemary McKechnie Sociology

All emailed today.

Next Monday meet at university 11.00am and drive into Bath to do Vox Pops. Book Z1 this week – Rich. Also visit Library in Bath to look for archive newspapers/ material.

1. Do you think migrant workers effect the amount of jobs available to British workers?
2. Do you think Britain’s becoming a more Nationalistic country?

Also shoot cutaways of:
– Walking feet
- People walking through town
-Job Centre
-English flag?

Things to do:
Archive sources for everybody to look at (Sean emailed Matt):

- ITN Source
- BBC Motion Gallery
- CNN Image Source
- Huntley Film Archives

Think about script. Write next week. Also begin to plan production and shooting schedule.

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes


What’s done today:

- Proposal written

- Pitch is today – also written and allocated who’s to say what.

Meet on 16/03 at library 12pm – sort contributors and archive

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes


Research found:

Sean – facts and figures – BNP logos we can use in montages
Hannah – news paper articles – “The Polish dream turns sour”
Rich – The Times Online – “Don’t bank on a caring, sharing recession”
Can use as montage or narration material.
Now have:
· employment agencies in Baths contact details
· Our beginning, middle and end
· Our timeline for pre and post production

Need to:

- Call BNP, set up possible interview.
- Hannah + Sean – Find contributors in Bristol
- Rich + Matt – “ “ in Bath
- Figures on people coming in and out of the country
- Job numbers/ unemployment numbers
- Facts and Figures on other countries such as France etc
- BNP – their policy
- Archive of riots in last recession and old newspapers


Sean – riot archive
Matt – recent news footage on recession/employment
Rich – facts and figures/ contributors
Hannah – newspaper archive

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes


Research found:

-Article by Nick Lowles questioning If the recession is good news or the BNP.
-Trevor Phillips on how Britain could return to racism as the recession bites.
-Tyrone Times on more local fears of racism returning due to recession.
-Archive news articles from the BBC ‘ON THIS DAY’ online, about riots in 1977.
-More from BBC ‘ON THIS DAY’ online, teachers dies in riots.
-Article from the Guardian on La Pen’s National Front selling headquarters to a Chinese university.

Need to research now interviewees, archive footage, facts and figures, newspaper articles and decide on beginning middle and end.

Could possibly begin with archive and the comparison of the riots in the 1970’s to the riots happening again today. Also interviews with experts or local job centre owners/workers.

For next week:

All watch ‘The History o Nightmares’ 3 part series on Look at structure, use of narration and archive footage.
Jobs to do:
Interviewees and contacts to speak to – Hannah
Facts, figures and archive – Sean
Story, beginning middle and end – Rich
More research and contacts – Matt

Also think about our timeline. How long for research? Shooting? Editing?

Next meeting: Thursday 5th March, 9am, Students Union.

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes


Possible ideas for documentary:

Accents – Regional accents – why do we have them?
Tattoos and piercing – what pitch or angle?
The homeless in Bath – homeless man kicked out of Bath
Unemployment - recession
Observational style doc – Alzheimer’s, anorexia, diabetes, OCD, disability

Final idea:


Could compare to past – the 70’s
National front
Older generations – their experiences of the recession – unemployment back then
Job centres – debate with Polish workers
Big companies going into recession – Zavvi
BNP – protests – would be good to film and interview.

For next week:

Everyone research Nationalist front, BNP and the future of employment. See what everyone comes back with at next meeting. Collect resources – newspaper clippings website links etc.

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes


Roles for the team:

Rich – Producer/director/camera assistant/production manager

Hannah – Researcher/AP/head production manager

Sean – Sound recordist/assistant editor/assistant production manager

Matt – Editor/camera man/assistant production manager

For next week:

Everyone think of ideas for documentary. Watch documentaries or influence, read papers internet etc. Meet up on Thursday 10am at library to discuss ideas.

Sean or Hannah to inform Matt about what is needed to be done.

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