Wednesday 18 March 2009

Green Gage Entertainment

So as you can see below by our minutes of our weekly production meetings, so far so good. We have a list of possible contributors, 2 of which we already have interviews set up for end of March/beginning of April. We also have a planned pre and post production timeline which so far we are sticking to.

Our idea is based around the question are we the British loosing our jobs to foreign immigrants? With a rise in BNP votes it seems more and more people think so as the recession hits Britain hard and unemployment is worse than ever. In 2008 the number of foreign workers went up by over 175,000, are statistics like these helping spark support for the National Front?

Archive footage will show the damaging effects the previous recession had on society and we will also talk to experts in sociology and economics, local lib dems and a member of the BNP to find out their opinion on the future of Britain. We will also be asking the public what they think through the use of vox pops. With narration our documentary will guide the viewer to form their own opinion.

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