Sunday 29 March 2009

Green Gage Entertainment

Meeting Minutes



What we now have:

- Filming for vox pops and some cut away footage done today. Release forms signed.
Have a few good vox pop answers to our questions and a variety as well. Need to shoot more cutaways on Panasonic – sort Thursday.
- Now have lots of newspaper on articles on unemployment/recession etc to use for cutaways and montages.
- Have questions for Don Foster interview on 7th April.
- Have a rough script of what we want and where. Will wait to see what interviews bring before we re-draft again.
- Some moving footage of riots and problems with recession.

For next week:

- Book all equipment needed for next few interviews.
- Questions for sociology lecture – to do with future of Britain and past recessions causing rioting and violence etc.
- Sort BNP speaker. He wants an audience but not really the angle we want – think about what we’re going to do to get him in a one on one interview.

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