Wednesday 5 May 2010


So today was the big day and what a big day it was! I got in slightly earlier to meet the technicians who had the key for the projector cupboard. We then hooked it up to Chris's laptop and ensured my blog on the internet was running ok and loaded Jack fm and the blitz street on.

I then helped out Rich blow up the balloons for the ice breaker and tidied the room ready for the presentations. The students arrived just after 9 and megan gave her intro. They then did their ice breaker and popped the balloons to split them into groups. There were a lot less students than first anticipated only around 11 showed up so there only 5 - 6 per group.

Our room went really well and without any major hiccups; I was really pleased with Jessie, Dean and Monish's presentations. Unfortunately in the other room there were a few hiccups with the set up so they were running a little behind and our group had an extra couple of minutes break. The second presentation for group B went even better I think because we'd almost had a little warm up. We were asked to try and extend our room a little to give extra time for group A in the green screen room, but half way through Megan came down and said they were running out of things to go through with them so we finished normal time and let them go to lunch. (They were thrilled with the free food!)

After lunch was more relaxing as we got to watch the guest speaker Ciaran O'Connor who was brilliant and a real inspiration to the students. After we showed a small montage to music of pictures we'd taken through the day edited by Sean and Matt which they found amusing! And lastly they had to fill out an evaluation.

All in all they seemed to really enjoy the green screen demo and I think this was because it was so hands on and something for them to actually do, where as our presentations weren't very interactive so if I was to plan the event again I think I would scrap the presentations and plan more for the claymation activity as I think they would of really enjoyed it. The day also taught me a lot about improvisation and using you initiative when things don't quite run smoothly.

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