Tuesday 23 March 2010

Deal or No Deal - Day 2!

So I've come to the end of my 2nd day and have already decided I would love a job at Endemol!
Today I was with the audience team for the 2 morning shows. The audience line up outside at around 8.45 and we make sure the room they are taken into is clean and prepared for them. I then had the job of collecting any aerosol cans or cameras as audience members are not aloud either of these in the studio. Once the audience have all been searched and sat down George and I went over to the studio whilst the others gave a quick talk to the audience to run over rules and regulations. George and I had to wait over at the studio and radio back to the audience room once the boxes were being put out and they began to make their way over. (I was also given a cool Britney Spears type head mic so I could listen to what the audience team were saying to each other! which I loved)

Once the audience are in the team then guide them where to sit. There are set places for example friends and family to sit (top let) as they can't be seen too much on camera because they will more than likely be there for more than one show. There are also black boxes beneath the seats to put bags etc in and I'd watched the team also collect coats for people so I thought I'd make myself useful and help them out. Once the audience are in the floor manager checks the arrangement and as soon as Noel comes on it's their Que. to leave and every things OK.
They then go back up to the office and call people who have applied for audience tickets online and book them in for the dates available. George showed me how the database worked which I picked up fairly quickly and helped book audience members on for the halloween show. They do this until the show is coming to an end which is there Que. to get back to the audience and take them for their mid morning break.

During the afternoon I was with Dan the vision mixer for the show. He actual travels down from London for the week and stays in Bristol to work on Deal or No Deal. We had a good chat first as we got into the gallery ear
ly and he gave some good advice about filming and cutting as much of my own footage as possible, just to get that experience of what cuts right and how to tell stories (which is basically his job) he also really liked the PD (Producer/Director role) and was keen himself to get into that.

We then went over the vision mixer and which buttons did what. He also tried to wind me up making me think I'd be doing a live show 10 minutes after going over everything! But I did get the chance to cut to 'camera 1' twice during the live edit ( which the director said was a delightful cut...

After vision mixing I was due to be in a production meeting but unfortunately they'd gone in half way through the live show so after speaking to Annelise she said it was OK to fit it into my last day. I wasn't due to finish til 4.30 and it was only 3.45 so remembering what advice I've been given instead of going home I decided
to offer to help the audience team with calling audience members as I knew they were behind, which head of audience Charis appreciated.

Day 2 over and I'm looking forward to day 3 with lighting and floor manager! ( I also managed to take some pictures of the studio before the audience and contestants came in see up and below)

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