Thursday 6 November 2008


With Mike we looked at interesting ideas for a 5 minute radio package - our next project. Our task was to come up with 3 ideas and then from this choose one, and with a partner who had a similar idea, create a pitch for a panel of 3 experts. The group came up with some really good ideas and we had a good afternoon discussing them - including mainly a discussion on pet hates! grr.

I'm working with Laura, and as we are both members of The Hip Hop Society at our uni, we decided to create our radio package on this. The society formed last year which was more of a trial year for them to see how much interest they would gain. This year with more interest gained at the Freshers Fair and more members they can now compete in competitions and organise more events. In our radio package we are going to look at how they react to visiting the UDO Dance Championships in Newport to check out the future competition, and the up and coming events and show nights. We are also going to use the society members for vox pops etc and the president Fiona May for interviews. We will incorporate music into our peice to keep the programme upbeat with a good tempo - just like Hip Hop dance! I feel our pitch went well however I feel we could of put our idea across a little clearer but with nerves settled in I may of rambled a little. Mike reassured us they all went well and the panel were impressed with our ideas, they're also keen to see our final products so fingers crossed everything goes well!

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